CANDY'Z Fitness studio
Man has been blessed with a beautiful body and mind. So it is necessary to keep the body and mind fit. Education teaches us how to keep our bodies and minds fit. The purpose of education is to develop the body, mind, and spirit.
Fitness is to keep the body and mind fit. It is not about managing weight and following the diet. Fitness is all about the understanding of one’s own body and mind. It teaches us to be alert at all times in an enjoyable manner.
Being healthy and fit increases our energy level, improves confidence, burns calories, minimizes complications of chronic diseases and increases life term. Our health and fitness is related to the many health benefits.
I hope from now you will definitely focus on your fitness n your health too.
In last 2 years we have really undergone a situation and seen how people have suffered badly during Covid because of their low immunity.
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A Disciplined method for attaining your goals. The Goal can be anything, literally!!!, & following Yoga will give you the balance between you Mind Body & Soul to achieve that Goal.
Zumba Dance Fitness
It is a great fitness program with some amazing and fun-filled dance moves. A mix of dance moves with exercises very well embedded for you to Enjoy your dance & kick out the Calories.
Bhangra is one of the oldest Exercise combos that helps to strengthen your heart and lungs. It improves your cardiovascular fitness by increasing your capacity to use oxygen.
CrossFit Training
CrossFit is certainly a great way to stay fit and get some variety for those who already have a solid aerobic and strength base.
Dance Fitness
Dancing is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing can help you lose weight, stay flexible, reduce stress, and more.
Power Yoga
Power Yoga is definitely an intense workout that will make you sweat. Power Yoga classes move with an even faster rhythm.